Believe it or not, we get asked this all the time! I guess it's not that unbelievable, but to save our voices a little bit from all of the 'splaining, we are putting up this handy post so that you all have a reliable guide as to what you can compost.
This here is a pretty good guide. It's geared towards homes, but most of the information is the same. If you are looking for more info for your business or school, let us know and we can hook you up with those details as well. Anyways, here goes:

For the Green Pail
Meat and bones
Shellfish and fish products
Dairy products
Egg shells
Vegetable and fruit scraps including pits and peels
Condiments and spices
Pasta, bread, and cereals
Coffee grounds, filters, and tea bags
Soiled food paper
Muffin and cupcake wrappers
Parchment or baking paper
Plants and herbs
Not for the Pail
Metal of ANY kind including aluminum foil
Plastic of ANY kind including "compostable" plastics
Glass of ANY kind
Candles, corks, and gum
Twist ties and rubber bands
Artificial flowers and plants
Disposable mop and cleaning sheets
Fireplace or barbeque ashes
Hot liquids
Plastic gloves
Pizza boxes
Paper Towels
Don't see what you are looking for? Give us a holler and we'll answer it for you.
Until next time, happy composting!