Dear Loyal Composters,
If you're like us, your mind is probably all over the place right now and rightfully so. The reality of the COVID-19 pandemic is altering basic aspects of how we go about our lives. Not only that, it has added a lens of anxiety and uncertainty from which to see the world. Who knew that touching your face could be so hard to avoid?

Given the situation, we want to reassure you that we are committed to community efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus. At the same time, we're working with you to uphold our dedication to helping the environment by making sure that we won't ever miss a collection. These are the things we are doing as it pertains to your service:
All drivers are required to wear gloves when handling pails and they've also been supplied with hand sanitizer and bleach wipes that they use frequently.
Any pail that we give to you has been disinfected fastidiously and handled only with gloves until you receive it.
Any employee that exhibits symptoms will stay home from work until cleared by a doctor.
Additionally, we'd like to ask from you that when you are putting your pail out on collection day to please clean the handle for us.
In some key ways, this situation mirrors the climate crisis that we've been facing for decades now. In both, the threat of disaster stems from environmental actors that we can't see with the naked eye and when they proliferate, the problem worsens. The solutions also correlate. There are some steps that we can take as individuals, but in order to truly tackle the problem, collective action must be taken at the organizational and governmental level.
All that being said, many things are still the same. Spring is still on its way and all the majesty that it carries with it. We at Blue Earth are looking forward to getting out into the garden - an act that is essential to wellness. In addition to providing healthy food, gardening is documented to decrease stress and blood pressure. If you are planning to get out there as well, than don't forget to order your compost! As a reminder, we changed the way we distribute compost - you can now order it whenever you'd like through your customer account. Below is a short tutorial if this is your first time doing so.
We know that not all of our customers have gardens and that fact is part of the beauty of our service. However, our message can be unique to each person. Now is a good time to be in the garden, even if your garden isn't actually a garden at all (and you can still get compost!).
We love you all dearly and appreciate your support now and in the future. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.
Sam, Alex, Jeffrey, Sherrod, Isaiah, and Alexis