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Scientists and Detectives, and Compost, Oh My!


Blue Earth Compost has launched a new educational outreach initiative, and it has been blooming!

Our resident teacher and social media guru, Kat Hamilton, has been traveling to schools and classrooms that have showed interest in non-traditional composting lessons. With help from the teachers of the classes she visits, she has been able to align composting and waste topics with their curriculum.

Her latest classroom visit was with Teresa Chan’s class at the Annie Fisher Montessori Magnet School. They focused on how Connecticut still burns their trash, where their classroom food scraps go, and what is in the end product of compost.

The students used creative thinking to slash negative stereotypes through group discussions, as well as brainstormed how their families could lower their overall waste production. In smaller groups, the students were given a mission of being detectives and scientists. They were trying to figure out what they could identify in final product of compost. With magnifying glasses, tweezers, and petri dishes, the students sorted through compost and collected items to bring back to the large group for sharing.

Overall Kat was astonished with the kids’ critical thinking skills, and ecstatic about how much creativity was encouraged in Teresa Chan’s classroom. Here at Blue Earth Compost, the importance of experiential education, as well as waste and compost education is high on our priority list. Big thanks to all the support coming from the Annie Fisher Montessori Magnet School!


If your local schools, and or any teachers are interested in a pop-in classes this coming school year, please contact Kat at .

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